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Power Cone

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Let's work together to build a future where everyone can thrive


Power Cone is teaming up with Mercy Corps, a leading global humanitarian organization supporting communities - and the most marginalized within them - to emerge from crisis and build towards a more inclusive, resilient future.


In more than 40+ countries, Mercy Corps is working directly with communities to cope with and adapt to today's toughest challenges caused by conflict and climate change, while developing shared solutions to thrive into the future. Mercy Corps has nearly 6,000 team members located around the world who are working to create global change through local impact. In fact, 86% of their team member are from the countries where they work. Together, with your support, Mercy Corps can continue their work to create a world where everyone has access to clean water, nutritious food, job opportunities, and a stable, peaceful place to live.


Power Cone has committed 2.5% of its 5% charitable pledge to support Mercy Corps' life saving work across the globe. If you found this page after enjoying some most excellent soft serve at the Power Cone truck, thank you so much for supporting our small business and Mercy Corps! 

Please join us in support of Mercy Corps and the community they serve by donating to my fundraiser today!


Here are some examples of how your gift can help make a difference in the 40+ countries where they work:


  • In Pakistan - $11 can help cover school costs for Afghan refugee and Pakistani students in Pakistan, including registration fees, transportation, books, and other supplies, helping more children enroll in school and receive an education.
  • In Guatemala - $15 can help provide a family in Guatemala with one month's supply of clean water, helping them meet their basic needs and lead healthier lives.
  • In Ethiopia - $40 can help a displaced family purchase seeds to plant a kitchen garden, helping them grow their own source of food and prevent malnutrition from taking hold in the community.
  • In Ukraine - $55 can help provide a food aid basket containing items like pasta, rice, beans, canned meat, cooking oil, sugar, salt and other essentials for a family of three in Ukraine.
  • In Syria - $200 can help construct a shelter site in Syria for families displaced inside the country, many of whom have been forced to flee more than once by the country's ongoing war.
  • In Colombia - $343 can help provide a Venezuelan refugee family in Colombia with one month of cash assistance, which they can use to purchase what they need most, including food, a safe place to stay, medicine, and more.
  • In Nepal - $500 can help construct one latrine that can serve an entire community of a few hundred households in Nepal, connecting families with sanitation services to help protect themselves against the spread of disease and lead healthier lives.


Power Cone is partnering with Mercy Corps because we believe a better tomorrow is possible, but we know that it will take all of us working together to unlock it. So please, give what you can to support our fundraiser today! Big or small, your gift can help make a real and meaningful difference in communities across the globe.




Please Note: Donations to this fundraising page will be allocated to Mercy Corps' "Where Most Needed" fund to help their teams respond when and where their help is needed most, including in Syria, Ukraine, the Horn of Africa, Haiti and the 40+ countries where Mercy Corps works. Thank you for giving what you can today to help support their important mission!