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Love from Lucas

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We are Becky and Jerome Powell. We were married in July 2008, and on August 5, 2014, were thrilled to welcome our first child Lucas into the world. Within the first few hours after he was born we were devastated to learn that Lucas had suffered a stroke in utero and his body’s right side was severely weakened. It has been incredibly hard to watch him struggle physically in his first year. However, we are very thankful that Lucas is able to have a dedicated team of medical specialists and therapists who work tirelessly with him to ensure the best possible future.

Lucas’ medical problems broke our hearts. But this tragic situation has also given us a deep empathy for parents who watch their children struggle and have few, if any, resources available to help their child. After a year with Lucas in our life we have learned to balance our sadness with hope, and we are determined that our experience will be turned to good. We will not let Lucas’ stroke be in vain.

We are pleased to announce that we have established a fund called “Love from Lucas.” Mercy Corps of Portland, Oregon ( will administer this fund and receive 100% of the money generated from “Love from Lucas”. Mercy Corps will use the funds raised to assist parents who struggle to provide for their children in the most desperate places of the world. Mercy Corps will empower these parents with “Love from Lucas”, not simply provide charity. In turn, these parents will be able to empower their own children, much as we work to empower our Lucas.

Mercy Corp is a charitable organization that provides help to people around the world. For example, a gift of $18 provides a family with a bag of seeds to grow grains and vegetables, a gift of $30 provides a family with a chicken whose eggs can be used for nutrition or to sell, and a gift of $70 provides a goat to a family whose milk can be used for nutrition or to sell. Mercy Corps has a strong history as a reputable charity and has earned a 4 out of 4 star rating from the Charity Navigator’s rating system.

Today, we are inviting each of you to join us in financially supporting “Love from Lucas.” To celebrate our son’s first birthday, we will match on a one to one basis the first $1,000 that is given to the “Love from Lucas” Fund. Thank you in advance for your consideration and any financial gifts that you may provide.


Jerome and Becky Powell