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Stand for Syria

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Dear All,

I am extremely proud of my family, friends, and others that have contributed to the fund to help against the disastrous events taking place in Syria. Suffering has not subdued in recent months, as Syria’s army continues to relentlessly destroy rebel-held areas. Russia continues to support Syria’s army and multiple “cease fires” gave false opportunity for civilians to flee war-torn areas, like Aleppo. This has led to the deaths of hundreds of Syrians during moments of sworn suspension of hostility.

In what looks like a never-ending tragedy, we must continue to support humanitarian organizations that provide Syrians in and out of war-ravaged areas with food, water, and basic health services.

Although funding organizations plays a crucial role in supporting the health of many Syrians, it is not enough. The next step is to pick a subpopulation of Syrians in need and work to negate the challenges they face. With a team of friends, I hope to provide Syrian refugees in the US with improved mental health services that currently are virtually nonexistent.

As I continue my research and get in contact with refugee resettlement agencies, I hope to maintain fundraising efforts. Please do not underestimate the value of a few dollars donated or a conversation with friends or family.




Previous Message:

Dear family, friends, and friends of friends,

Most of you are aware of the devastating events that have occurred in Syria throughout the past five years. The scale of Syria’s humanitarian crisis is astonishing – 11 million people, half of the country’s pre-war population, have been forced from their homes and 250,000 have died since the war began in 2011.

Imagine fleeing your home with only the clothes on your back, fearing for your life as you journey to the border, and arrive in a foreign country. All without knowing where you will live or what you will eat. This is the reality for millions of Syrians, half of them under 18, who are fleeing the violent civil war in their country.

I have decided to team up with Mercy Corps, an NPO that has been on the ground working in Syria since August 2012, and has had the largest presence inside Syria, next to only the United Nations. Their staff put their lives in danger every day to deliver lifesaving food and relief to children and families trapped inside Syria.

I have scoured the Internet trying to find opportunities to visit the areas myself and volunteer with my own hands. At this point in my life, according to all the organizations I have found, I do not have the skills required to help on the ground. That does not mean I cannot make a difference, and it does not for any of you either. 


  • $11 can provide a family of 6 with a month's supply of bread
  • $30 can help give 50 families access to clean water
  • $75 helps provide two refugees with an emergency food kit containing bread, spices, oil, meat and vegetables
  • $210 provides an emergency kit for a Syrian family that includes blankets, hygiene supplies, water and cooking tools

Please join me in making  a donation to Mercy Corps and the trouble in Syria. I kindly ask you to share this with as many people as possible. More importantly, I hope the crisis in Syria is a discussion that you bring up to family and friends, helping spread the word and join a force against the war.

Let us all Stand for Syria.

All the best,

Hanan Bloomer