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Speaking no words and taking no actions leads to death. Please join me to help Syrians now.

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Imagine fleeing your home with only the clothes on your back, fearing for your life as you journey to the border, and arrive in a foreign country. You have no idea where you will live or what you will eat.  You wonder why the strong democratic countries of the world don't come to help. Why do they let Assad and the Russians gas and bomb us? 

That's the reality for millions of Syrians, half of them under 18, who are fleeing the violent civil war in their country.

The scale of Syria’s humanitarian crisis is astonishing — 11 million people, half of the country’s pre-war population, have been forced from their homes and 250,000 have died since the war began in 2011. They need our help to get through the worst humanitarian crisis of our time.

Every dollar we contribute makes a powerful difference in the lives of these courageous children and families. Now, and for the future. Please join me by making a gift today — Syrians are counting on our support.  I will personally match up to $6,820 of the donations my family, friends, and shipmates make to this fund.  Please give until it hurts...then give some more.

Mercy Corps has been on the ground working since August 2012 and has one of the largest humanitarian operations inside Syria. Their staff put their lives in danger every day to deliver lifesaving food and relief to children and families trapped inside Syria, but supplies are quickly dwindling.

In surrounding countries, they are also distributing emergency food and supplies, improving access to clean water, providing activities and counseling to help children feel safe again, and helping refugees and host communities learn how to work together. And they'll be there until families can safely return home.

  • $12 can provide a family of 6 with a month’s supply of bread
  • $30 can help give 50 families access to clean water
  • $75 helps provide two refugees with an emergency food kit containing bread, spices, oil, meat and vegetables
  • $210 provides an emergency kit for a Syrian family that includes blankets, hygiene supplies, water and cooking tools

Together, we can help families survive this terrible crisis.

Thank you!